Are you perfect! Do you think you are perfect? Do you think that you should work on being more perfect . . . whether it's for you or others? I will be the first to admit that I am NOT perfect!! I will admit that I have felt like I need to be perfect around others, so that I can be a better example & give hope to others! To show that I have everything going for me; life is GREAT; there aren't any problems; I have the perfect marriage & home life; nothing is ever wrong; life is perfect!! Little did I know that when I do this, make my life SEEM so perfect, it makes other's feel inadequate . . . hopeless . . . lonely . . . & like a failure! That has NEVER been my intent!! I am so sorry for betraying some of you & making you believe something that is NOT reality!! I didn't know what I was doing. Reality is that there are days that I feel like I am going to loose it . . . I yell at my children; my house isn't perfectly clean; my legs aren't always clean shaven & I am not always ready for the day; I'm overweight & I don't have any ambition to change it; sometimes dinner may be out of a can or box; & I have junk drawers, corners, & closets that aren't organized . . . & it's OK!!! NOBODY'S PERFECT!!!
My husband has so much wisdom on something's, that it AMAZES me when he says things like he did the other night! He said to me, "How do you know that your life isn't perfect already? What is your perfect?" Then he continued to say, "I don't really like the word 'perfect', why not use the word 'happy'?" What I do know, & have realized, is that life is to short! Live life for each day & remember what is important . . . family & the time you spend with them!! Laugh often, especially if it's at yourself, & never take for granted what you have! If I can help one person with this post, then I have done what I have set out to do!
It made me start to think that maybe perfect is having kids to yell at, a house to not keep perfectly clean, legs to not shave & enough money to buy the food that keeps me plump. (LOL) It's not the "perfection" but the "happiness" you have in your life! That is the true question . . . what makes you & your family happy? What is YOUR perfect? What is your HAPPY?
Recently I came across this post on a blog & I had to share it with you all. PLEASE READ!! This is a post that EVERYONE should read! It is talking about the disease of "Perfection"! What are we teaching our children? What are we passing down? The need to feel perfect . . .
click here to read the post - The disease called "Perfection"
Hope this makes you think about your weaknesses & what you are portraying to others! What are you ready to admit & pass down to your kids? The first thing to do to move on to a BETTER YOU is to admit your weaknesses! Then work on changing them!! I still struggle with this! I pray & ask for strength, everyday, to help me with my weaknesses. We are all here to learn from our trials & mistakes! What are you willing to admit & overcome?
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