Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Monthly Meal Planner with Recipes

  It's here!!!!  WAHOO!!!  I'm so excited to share my Monthly Meal Schedule with you all!!  I made up this meal planner about 3 years ago & have been using it ever since.  It has helped me SOOOOO much when it comes to grocery shopping, planning & helping me not stress out about what to cook for dinner!  So, what I do is print the schedule on one side of bright colored card stock, then print the recipes on the other side, then put it on my fridge!  And're an organized guru for meal planning!  LOL  
  I have seen a TON of great meal planner's on the internet, & they all have wonderful recipes, BUT they are all on the internet.  I don't want to have to go to the computer or look up my recipes everytime I want to cook....ok, not everytime, but for the recipes I don't have memorized.  So, that's where I got the idea of putting the recipes on the back.  Now knowing the history of "Andrea's Monthly Meal Planner", you'll all be able to sleep better tonight.  LOL
  Also, I have different Meal Planner's for each season, because I don't like using the oven that much in the Summer & I don't like BBQ'in in the snow!  I know, I'm crazy:)  I'll share those different planner's when the season's approach.  PLEASE feel free to change whatever you'd like to better fit the tastes of you & your family.  And, if you have a great recipe that you've added, then please share it with all of us.  Most of these recipes are pretty easy due to the fact that we're all busy.  I try to save the most time consuming,or new, recipes for the weekends.  Anyway's, I hope you all enjoy & please let me know what you think.  I would love your feed back!! 
Happy, stress free cooking!!!

Monthly Meal Planner- PDF

Monthly Meal Planner - Word

1 comment:

  1. Please post any comments or recipes that you might be adding. I'm always looking for new ideas!! Thanks!!
