Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm just an ordinary girl trying to help people out...

I'm so excited in trying to get this started!  I feel that I have so much to share but don't know where to start. So here it goes. I think the most important thing to work on to make a home a better place & make it for the long haul, is the relationship with your spouse!  If the parents aren't happy, then nobody is happy!!  So here are a few things to think about:  Do you talk to your spouse like they are your BESTEST friend?  Think about who your best friend is....your sibling, parent, friend from school, or a neighbor?  Who ever it might be, makes no difference, except how you talk to them!  If your best friend disagreed with you on something, would you roll your eyes at them & tell them they are wrong & your point is right & that is that?  NO!  You would probably, listen with open ears, then talk respectively to come to a conclusion.  Then think about what they said.  That is my whole purpose of this Blog, is to help other's have better communication with their spouse & help make household chores/activities/duties, whatever you want to call it, easier!!  So this is my 1st post & I will work on trying to get subtitles, etc.  Please feel free on what it is that you would like to dicuss, ask questions on, or just vent....I am open ears....BUT my opinion is my opinion after MANY years of witnessing bad offence made to any particular person:)


  1. You go girl! I can't wait to hear more! Even though I am not married and have not children, I look forward to listening to your helpful tips so then when I do walk down that path I will be armed and ready to go with many helpful tips and insights. Keep writing and I will keep coming back!


  2. THANKS Lyndsey! And just for you I think my next post will be about what I think you need to talk about with your partner, before you get married. I'll try to get it on this weekend! Thanks again for your support:)

  3. Ok Im ready to see this monthly meal plan you have me so curious and excited!!!!!!!!
