Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New You!

  Happy New Year!!  This is the year to make it great!  (I know we say that every year, but let's REALLY make this year a great one:)  What are your New Year resolutions?  I know that when I hear those words, I think to myself . . . "Does it really matter?  I'm going to break them anyway."  But this is the year that I am going to change that.  I'm not going to have my resolutions be to loose weight, it's going to be to eat better & be more active.  It's not going to be financially free . . . it's going to be to watch where my money goes & ask myself if I REALLY need it.  It's going to be to put at least $20 a week away for a vacation or the holiday's!  I am serious about this!!  I know that I'm worth it!  Are you?  Of course you are!!  I want to be healthier & skinnier for myself, my husband & for my kids!  I want to be more financially stable, so that we can enjoy the things that mean the most in our lives . . . spending time with my family! 
  You can start small by cleaning out your fridge & cupboards so that you don't self sabotage yourself!  Get rid of all that left over Holiday treats & junk food.  Go buy yourself some almonds & light popcorn to munch on when you get those cravings!  Find a friend or online network to keep you motivated.  Set a goal on what it is you want, then work backwards to make it happen.  For example, if your goal is to loose 20 lbs, start by loosing 5 lbs, then 10 lbs & so on.  Start by being aware what you are eating & try to do something physical for 15 minutes a day, then work your way up to more time.  
  I know I have had every excuse in the book on why I can't go work out . . . dont' have the money for a gym membership, it's to cold outside to go for a walk; the kids have kept me up all night & I'm to tired . . . well enough of the excuses!!  It's time to find a way or make a way!!  Use cans of soup to lift as weights; do 3 sets of 20 jumping jacks; do 3 sets of 10 sit ups before you get in the shower, then work your way up to more; whatever it is, do SOMETHING!!!  Eat better . . . stop using sugars & use Splenda; eat more fruits & vegetables; have at least 2 or 3 servings of dairy a day; eat more fiber; cut back on your soda pop & drink more water.  
  If you have other resolutions that you would like to discuss or have me help you figure out a plan, let me know.  These are just a few of the ones I always hear people talking about.  Let's do this together & be better examples for our family & friends . . . but more importantly . . . let's prove to ourselves that we can do it!!  I know we can do this!!  We are worth it!!!

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